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Multimedia Judge (French Language)- Belgium Belgique

Pub Google

Annonceur : Lionbridge GSS Ltd.
Prix : N/A
        TĂ©lĂ©phone : 003539673700
Ville : Bruxelles - Bruxelles
Catégorie : Emploi - Offre d'emploi
Vues : 7030 fois
Publiée le 28-05-2013
Position title: Multimedia Judge – Belgium (French Language) Language: French Location: Belgium - Work from Home Status: Independent Contractor, Part-time JOB DESCRIPTION As an Image/Video Judge you will be a key participant in helping determine the relevance of search results. The role involves detailed reviewing, evaluation and feedback of images/videos based on an objective set of guidelines using online tools. The ability to quickly identify and assess content which is relevant to a particular search is an integral part of this role. Candidates must be avid internet enthusiasts. If you love browsing the web and can follow specific guidelines to rate websites, then we want to hear from you! This is a freelance, independent contractor position. THE GOAL OF IMAGE/VIDEO JUDGING IS TO: • Measure the relevance of the customers search engine in providing the best user experience when searching for images/videos. Improving the click through experiences for end users is the main goal of the HRS Multimedia system. • Rate queries and the corresponding image/video results using judging scale. REQUIREMENTS • Proficiency in English and French. • For cultural awareness reasons you must be resident in Belgium for the past 5+ consecutive years. • Preferred level of education/certification – Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent) • Able to work independently based on detailed written instructions TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS • Work from home office environment • PC with Windows 7 or Vista. Apple OS or older versions of Windows are not acceptable • High Speed Internet connection. Minimum upload speed of 1mpbs • Software applications, e.g. Antivirus software, Adobe Flash Player, Acrobat Reader, Adobe Shockwave player, Microsoft Silverlight etc. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity To apply: Please copy and paste the below link in a new browser in order to complete and submit your application: https://e-recruit.sap.lionbridge.com/sap(bD1lbiZjPTEwMCZkPW1pbg==)/bc/bsp/sap/unrg_appl/application.do?param=cGluc3RfZ3VpZD1FMjkzMDJDMTg5MjdEOUYxOEZGQjAwMTUxNzg2RTA2MQ%3d%3d&rcfcontext=GR

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